Storks Bring Babies While Swallows Prevent Them Mem
Calvin: Dad, where do babies come up from? Is it true a stork leaves them swaddled in a bundle on the front step?
Calvin's dad: In near cases, yeah, but yous were unceremoniously dumped down the chimney by a large, hairy pterodactyl.
For many years, when a child whose parents didn't think they were ready for The Talk asked the question "Where practise babies come up from?", a mutual reply was "the stork".
For those wondering exactly how storks became associated with pregnancy: The tradition apparently started in Victorian Britain. The White Stork was considered a symbol of happiness, fertility, and prosperity. Storks were known to nest on chimney tops in England, so the mythology of storks dropping baby humans down the chimney was made quite speedily.
The myth has by and large died downwardly, to the point where TV is normally the simply identify yous'll see kids who believe in "the stork". Showing childbirth in the media hasn't been taboo since the fifty's, then most children know babies come from the mother's body, but not how information technology got at that place in the offset identify. But and so again, it's also never explained where storks get babies either. Nonetheless, the symbolism of storks and babies has persisted to this day, where the image of a stork with a bundled baby hanging from its beak is still a symbol of pregnancy, childbirth, and babies.
Occasionally overlaps with I-Gender Race every bit an explanation for how procreation can occur without both sexes present.
The rival story that new babies were found under a gooseberry bush seems to have died out, though some guy named Xavier did make a small fortune with the mythology of babies being grown from cabbages...
Compare Pelican Package Pouch and Flying Postman. Contrast Circling Vultures, for a bird associated with death rather than birth.
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- An ad for nascence control has one of these walk up to a woman, who dismisses it with a gesture and walks off to consider vacations, new houses, and other options she can pursue because she's not pregnant.
- A 2000 March of Dimes commercial promoting pre-conceptual nutrition and cocky-intendance, featured a stork wandering through an part edifice, with diverse female employees trying to hide from, shun, or concenter the bird according to their respective wants. Sentinel information technology here.
- A drawing stork with a Groucho Marx voice is a long-fourth dimension pitchman for Vlasic brand pickles (working off the theme of meaning women'south craving for pickles).
- A number of Hallmark's new infant and baby's offset Christmas ornaments have incorporated this theme.
Anime & Manga
- Toba Tatsuro, a new teacher at Kyosuke's schoolhouse, introduced in Kimagure Orange Road's volume fourteen, believes in this.
- Cited in The Kurosagi Corpse Commitment Service as the reasoning behind the business's name: instead of the white stork that brings new life, they're the black heron ("kurosagi" = "black heron") that takes abroad the dead.
- The Code Geass parody comic "Legend of the Power Couple" (from the gag comic compilation Queen volume ane) has Suzaku and Euphemia believe in this equally Character Exaggeration Played for Laughs. Suzaku believes in the Delivery Stork, while Euphemia believes that babies come from cabbage patches, and Lelouch, standing nearby, has a expect on his face that'south the not-exact version of a Flat "What". Which gets even flatter and what-ier when they hop in the Lancelot to search cabbage patches and stork habitats for babies.
- Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei:
- Flight delivery storks are a running gag. These have by and large replaced shipping in the background sky, and sound similar them too.
- In the same series there is a affiliate based around white lies, in which Kafuka suggests changing white lies into reality. After Chiri overhears Majiru being told that a stork delivers babies, a news report nearly a stork literally delivering a missing infant is broadcasted.
- In the Sword Art Online, DVD commentary "Sword Art Offline", Yui asks how human babies are made. To go out of telling her the real truth, Kirito gives the stork explanation.
- In the painting "Der Klapperstorch" (1885) by Carl Spitzweg, a stork carrying a baby is flight over a European small town, while three girls on the basis spread out their aprons, in the apparent fearfulness or expectation that the stork will drop the baby.
Comic Books
- Asterix and Son shows that Obelix nonetheless believes this trope. At the outset, he mentions a (slightly prophetic) dream that a stork dropped a baby off on his and Asterix's doorstep. Much to his mild (and Asterix's non and then mild) surprise, in that location really is a baby on the doorstep!
- In Lupo Alberto (set up in a World of Funny Animals) the character Umperio is a stork out of job, and frequently torments Alberto and Marta because they're his only hope. He once tried to change his job, only delivering pizzas the aforementioned way he delivered children got him fired due to every single customer running at the sight of him, and he volition not paint himself pinkish to pass himself off as a flamingo and become a job as a dancer in a nightclub (a relative of his did it, and it didn't end well).
- Nero: Adhemar and Clo-Clo are both brought by a stork.
- In Brazilian comic Penadinho (known in English as Bug-a-booo), along with the comedic Grim Reaper, Dona Morte (known in English as Lady McDeath), there is a Stork who leads the reincarnation sector.
- A infant Smurf is delivered by stork on a blueish moon. Guess they really practice only need ane female person later all.
- In result 12 of Urbanus, Urbanus is bribed into matrimony because he presumably impregnated a daughter. Non agreement where babies come from, he panicks when he sees a truck with cabbages and blows it upwards. And so he spots a stork, and promptly beats it up. When he gets home, there is an entire swarm of storks, and he shoots at them with a cannon. Loaded with cabbages.
- In the Zipi y Zape story El tonel del tiempo ("The barrel of fourth dimension"), the twins use the titular barrel to fourth dimension-travel to the day they were built-in. They come out of the butt as babies, with the stork property both of them... and have to pull off one of their shenanigans to prevent their own delivery from suffering a last-minute alter of destination.
Comic Strips
- A '40s Blondie strip has Dagwood telling Cookie almost this, only so Alexander butts in…
- Calvin and Hobbes:
- Ane strip features Calvin hearing about and asking his begetter specifically about the stork. His male parent's response was that, aye, nearly babies were delivered past a stork, merely Calvin was "unceremoniously dumped down the chimney by a large, hairy pterodactyl." Calvin is, needless to say, thrilled (to his father's lack of surprise).
- In another comic, Calvin's dad informs him that kids come in kits (some assembly required) from Sears. Calvin is upset past this, merely his father tells him not to worry every bit he was "a blue light special at K-mart. Almost as good, and a lot cheaper." Calvin is less than thrilled.
- In Hägar the Horrible, Village asks his mother The Question. She answers that the stork brought him. He wants to know near his big sister, and Helga gives the same reply. Then he asks about his dad, and Helga says: "Four large storks."
- In Krazy Kat, Coconino Canton has its resident baby-deliverer Joe Stork, who lives atop the Enchanted Mesa. He is older than all the strip's chief characters, having delivered them as babies. In a running gag, characters struggle to fend off his deliveries; apparently, whatsoever two characters in a romantic human relationship run the risk of getting a packet dropped on them, which may in role account for the strip'due south lack of articulate gender (one strip has Krazy loudly "breaking upwards" with Ignatz every bit the stork walks past for fear that he may have their human relationship the wrong way).
- MAD:
- An article from several decades back compared sexual knowledge amongst youth of unlike generations. In the '50s, they show a whitebread kid talking with a greaser.
Whitebread: Only I thought the stork just brought the infant.
Greaser: Man, own't you ever heard of sex? First, the man [whisper], then the woman [whisper], and and so the two of them [whisper].
Whitebread: And so what?
Greaser: Then the stork brings the babe. - A Don Martin cartoon has a couple of kids pondering the situation. 1 says "Charlie says the Stork brought united states." The other shrugs "Ecch, Charlie, what does he know!" — then they both say "Hi, Charlie!" to a kid walking by with long skinny legs and neck, and a long pointy nose.
- An article from several decades back compared sexual knowledge amongst youth of unlike generations. In the '50s, they show a whitebread kid talking with a greaser.
- Mafalda
- When Mafalda'southward mother warns her that a brother is coming, the children discuss a lot well-nigh the stork, including the fact that airplane delivery would be quicker.
- In a later on strip, Gus, the above fiddling brother, comes beyond a very fat man at the beach: he pats him on the breadbasket and asks if in that location'southward a piddling stork on the way.
- In yet another strip, Mafalda mocks Miguel'due south idea that he can get an honest answer about the Vietnam War from his parents, proverb they'll just start talking about storks.
- Parodied in a Nemi strip. The male parent of the kid she babysits pays her to tell his son virtually the birds and the bees, and she sits him down and tells him diverse facts virtually birds and bees.
Fan Works
- Empath: The Luckiest Smurf: Purposely subverted by stating that the Smurfs in the series reproduce physically. A stork does appear in the series to deliver Baby Smurf, simply it is revealed that Baby Smurf came from Smurfling Island, and from parents on the island where nobody ages. In-universe, it's suggested that Peyo must have Bowdlerized the account when he created The Smurfs after getting his easily on the memory crystal that was given to him. In the adaptation of "The Smurfs And The Magic Flute", Peewit suggest this to exist the case when he sees that the village consists of all male Smurfs at the time he and Johan starting time visited them.
- Hero: The Guardian Smurf: Played straight, except in the case of the births of Hero's two children Saviour and Miracle, who were both built-in physically through their mothers Wonder and Smurfette through a Chiliad-Rated Sex fertility blessing given to them by Mother Nature.
- How Lynn Clogged the Toilet For the Commencement Time
(based on The Loud Firm): Prepare when Rita was pregnant with Lucy, and has Lynn Sr. telling his kids that the stork will soon bring another infant. The kids are wondering why Rita is sleeping a lot (she's having a "lethargic pregnancy"), and Lynn Inferior, who was five at the fourth dimension, thinks it's because when the stork arrives, Rita volition take to wrestle it, and then she needs to rest upwards.
- React Sentinel Believe Yikes: Every bit role of exaggerating her naïveté, Ruby still believes in this. And her interpretation of abortion is the stork being shot. Yang promises to set up her directly at some point.
- Becoming Female: At ane point in the sequel Being Female person, Umbridge takes over the wizarding earth, and decides to ban sex. She adds, "From now on, all babies will exist delivered by storks."
- Everything Changes (Milkyway Scribbles): At age 9, Ash still thinks a Pidgeot dropped him at his parent'due south door.
- My Abominable Monster Classmates Tin can't Be This Cute!: Weiss believes that babies are delivered by snipe. Jaune sets her directly.
- A Moon and World Apart: Jokingly referenced by Pinkie in chapter v, when she pops upward in front of a very startled Sunset, resulting in the post-obit exchange:
Sunset Shimmer: "Where'd you fifty-fifty come up from?"
Pinkie Pie (giggling): "Mom and Dad always said the stork brought me," "Just Granny Pie set me direct on that."
Films — Blitheness
- Dumbo starts out with storks delivering baby animals to their mothers while their circus is headquartered in Florida for the winter. The babies take no (visible) fathers except for the tiger cubs.
- I is featured in one of the plays from The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales. In it, he fakes his injury to laze around, leaving other animals to find the baby a home. The actor that plays him seems to be a similar Jerkass, brushing off his co-worker'due south concern and raving about an avant-guard play he'll be featured in.
- In another Pixar film, Cars, judging by a painting on ane of the courtroom's walls, it's implied that cars and other vehicles reproduce by getting infant cars that roll downwardly to Earth on a gilt highway coming from an ivory and golden manufacturing plant in Sky.
- Disney's Dinosaur actually did this with a Pteranodon who patently found Aladar's egg floating in a river later on an Oviraptor accidentally dropped it while stealing it from Aladar's biological female parent.
- In the Pixar curt that accompanied Up, Partly Cloudy, this trope was used, and the question as to where the storks obtained the babies they delivered was answered: from living clouds who make them out of cloud fluff. The stork the short focuses on has the bad luck to work with a storm cloud who only makes dangerous animals. They're good friends, merely the friendship gets really strained after the deject makes a porcupine. And so Mr. Stormcloud shows off his (unfinished) shark... and the stork flies off to another cloud, only to return with a set of football armor, ready for more.
- In Storks, after delivery storks decide on doing a less difficult job, they air current up going into the online commitment business organization. Part of what motivated the storks into giving upwards the job was a stork going rogue and trying to keep a baby, which led to the homing buoy being destroyed. The plot revolves around what happens when the daughter they've been forced to heighten and the stork supposed to fire her accidentally reactivates the old Infant Making Machine and accept to go a new baby girl to her habitation. The storks have also updated their commitment mechanisms and do pods rather than swaddles. Events ultimately lead to them going back to their original mission of baby commitment, complete with the classic swaddles.
Films — Live-Action
- Parodied in Addams Family Values,as Wednesday and Pugsley sit down in the waiting room while Morticia is in labor:
Little Girl: "And and then Mommy kissed Daddy, and the angel told the stork, and the stork flew down from heaven and left a diamond nether a foliage in the cabbage patch, and the diamond turned into a infant!"
Pugsley: "Our parents are having a baby too."
Wednesday: (dramatic zoom in) "They had sex."
- The Castilian film Adiós, Cigüeña, Adiós (1971) (which means "Cheerio, Stork, Good day") is all about a gang of Castilian children stoutly defying this trope past working out the facts of life for themselves as they help their friends Arturo and Paloma through their Teen Pregnancy. At diverse points in the film, several of them express their irritation at adults for thinking they'd actually autumn for the old myth about storks bringing babies.
- Used as the ground of an in-universe joke in the film Children of Men:
Jasper: And then they phone call together all the corking scientists, all the philosophers and thinkers, to ask the big question: why can't women take babies anymore? And all through the talk, in that location'southward 1 man in the corner who says nothing, just eats his dinner in a very loud manner. And eventually the speakers get tired of the audio of his chewing, so they ask him from the podium, "If you deserve to be here, what do you think the answer is?" And he looks up, and says, "I don't know. Only this stork is delicious!"
- Referenced in Flubber. Stork is Weebo'due south concluding word before dying. Information technology turned out to be the name of a file on Brainard'due south computer that contained a last message from Weebo as well as plans for a new model, which she calls her daughter, making the file name "Stork" a Meaningful Proper name.
- There's also a strange (fifty-fifty for him!) Dr. Seuss book and film entitled The Hoober-Bloob Highway in which new babies are sent from space downwards a magical spiral-shaped highway. Before they're sent downward, a creature named Hoober-Bloob lets them choose what species they want to be born equally, where they'd like to grow up, and then gives them a conference to gear up them for life. This is undoubtly the nigh convoluted fictional reply to the question "Where exercise babies come up from?"
- In the live-action movie of How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, Who babies (and the Grinch) are shown floating into Whoville in baskets. Oddly enough, one Who notes that his new son bears a strong resemblance to his married woman'due south dominate...
- The Grinch himself arrives during what appears to be a "key-party."
- The "Every Sperm Is Sacred" scene in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life starts with a stork dropping a baby down the chimney. Inside the firm, information technology then falls out from nether the mother's skirt. The beleaguered woman only glances up and asks one of the dozens of kids to pick it up.
- Pat of Silver Bush, (past the author of Anne of Greenish Gables) features Judy spinning a homegrown yarn to Pat: Judy says she'south going to observe Pat's petty brother or sister in the parsley bed.
- The Anne of Green Gables books contain a reference to the stork, too. It was used as a euphemism for the nascency of Anne's son, Jem. It was a bit oddly placed, since Anne had already given nascency — albeit prematurely and the babe did not survive — and though it wasn't gory, it was plainly written.
- In the short story The Conjure Blood brother, the young girl protagonist rejects the thought that babies come from storks. Instead she believes her friend's theory, that to go a baby a female parent must eat until she becomes extremely fat. Then she goes the hospital to lose the weight and from at that place she can choose a baby.
- The Doc Who 8th Doctor Adventures novel The Kleptomaniacal World takes place on a planet that's like a children'due south cartoon. They have no concept of sex, and Fitz (who's a little bit of a Lovable Sexual practice Maniac) takes it upon himself to endeavor explaining to the Girl of the Week. She just understands information technology in terms of making babies, which is done on this planet by writing a letter to the stork, and gets dislocated past his explanation and fifty-fifty more confused when Anji tries to explain his explanation, and decides Fitz would probably appreciate information technology if she wrote to the stork. He gets kidnapped and the stork has a devil of a time trying to find him, and by the time it finds him, it has dropped the baby into the jungle to be raised by friendly wolves and ends upwards delivering him a bomb instead, which he seems nigh as (united nations)happy well-nigh equally he would have been almost a baby. One of the villains who has kidnapped him comments, when the "baby" is dropped into his lap, that if he'd written to the stork in French, the stork wouldn't have known what he meant and wouldn't take delivered it. note In instance you're not up on your outdated euphemisms, a "French letter" means a condom.
- In the Novelization of The Twin Dilemma, the Sixth Doctor, temporarily nether the delusion he's Sherlock Holmes, claims that as a kid his parents told him the stork delivered babies, but he found this hard to believe as babies were common in London, but storks were rare. Upon hearing that a neighbour was about to take a baby, he observed the house closely, and didn't see a single stork. He did see a md entering with a black bag; obviously he had brought the baby.
- Averted in one of James Thurber's Fables for Our Fourth dimension, in which a stork tells his wife that the reason he's out all dark is that he has to deliver homo babies. (He's really out partying.) She finds out that it isn't true and greets him with Hello, phony obstetrician! and crowns him with a chimney brick.
- On the encompass of the Cull Your Ain Nightmare book The Haunted Babe, the eponymous character is beingness carried by a raven instead of a stork.
- One book designed for teaching kids the "facts of life" is chosen It's Non the Stork!.
- In The Little White Bird, by Peter Pan author J.M. Barrie, protagonist Captain W-- informs David that all children used to be birds, and that David himself was a missel-thrush. Did you ever see a bird land in an empty perambulator at Kensington Gardens? That'south one debating if it wants to make the modify. An island in the Gardens is where the birds' leader, Solomon Caw, receives requests from would-be parents.
- This book also contains what'due south essentially an early draft of Peter Pan every bit a story inside the story. In this version Peter ran abroad when he was just a week old and failed to realize that he was no longer a bird. He could fly fine until he started to incertitude that he could, and so became stuck, physically a male child but mentally stuck between species.
- Spoofed in the book Open Sesame by Tom Holt, in which a fairyland "family planning" sectionalization works past shooting storks out of the air while they're delivering.
- Parodied in "The Parenting Storks," a short story from David Sedaris' Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk, with a stork who believes that baby storks are put into eggs by mice with magic pockets.
- Referenced in Judy Blume's Superfudge, where Peter's grandmother is dismayed that his parents told four-yr-quondam Fudge the truth virtually how the infant got within Mommy'due south abdomen. In her day, this trope was the standard Lie To Children.
- In To Kill a Mockingbird, Dill tells Picket that y'all go babies from an island where they are gathered like flowers. Scout, who had previously been told that babies are dropped down the chimney by God, is skeptical.
- In Where Willy Went, the opening lines explain that the stork did not deliver babies.
- In Piers Anthony'due south Xanth novels, babies actually are brought past the stork, though the parents nonetheless have to practice a ritual to "summon the stork" (i.due east. have sex. Sigh.) This only seems to apply to humanoids; animals excogitate and deliver physically, including intelligent species similar centaurs. Dim-witted nymphs and satyrs "summon" with such frequency that the Storks screen their calls. One villain is rumored to have proven too foul that the storks wouldn't bear upon him; a basilisk did the deed.
- In the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen:
- In "The Storks" (1839), a family unit of storks raising their young on a farmhouse roof are repeatedly taunted by a group of children with a mean-spirited mocking song virtually storks. When the young storks are finally grown, they accept revenge on the children by flight to "the swimming where all the little homo babies lie until the storks come up to accept them to their parents", and picking upwards a little baby sibling for every child who did non mock the storks, but none for the children who mocked them. The boy who told the other children to stop taunting the storks gets both a brother and a sister, and the boy who e'er started the song gets a dead baby for a blood brother.
- Justified Trope in "The Marsh-Rex'south Daughter" (1858): A stork watches a princess beingness dragged into a bog lake past the Marsh King (a swamp creature similar to a nix). The stork keeps visiting the lake and eventually notices a water lily growing up from the lake; on the lily at that place forms a big bud which finally opens to reveal a human babe. Realizing that the baby is the daughter of the abducted princess and the Marsh King, the stork takes up the baby and delivers it to a childless family living nearby, by reaching through a window and laying it on the wife's chest while she is sleeping; the couple is happy to adopt the baby. The stork hangs a lampshade past musing that since people say he is bringing the babies, he might as well for once do information technology for existent.
Live-Action TV
- On Adam Ruins Everything, one of these (a parody of the Vlasic pickles mascot) appears to Emily (who has already had her babe), and hands her a black rock painted with the words "Postpartum Depression." He also hands ane to Murph, explaining that men can become PPD as well.
- An early on Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode has Buffy and Xander discovering Giles anxiously rehearsing asking Jenny out on a date, and proceed to give him unsolicited advice. Xander tells him "That business with the stork? It's just a smokescreen!" - Giles glares.
- Played With on an episode of Call the Midwife, when new midwife Valerie, a Poplar native, describes seeing the Nonnatus midwives biking around the neighborhood as a child. A mean solar day or so later, she'd hear that a relative or family friend had a new infant, and confesses she and her sisters used to recollect the midwives brought the babies with them in their large medical bags.
- This might be referring to an episode of The Cosby Show, when Cliff took new step-granddaughter Olivia to see his part. When she asked him what he did, he explained that he was a doctor who delivered babies. Olivia cemented her Scrappy status past proceeding to tell a grown homo that "no you don't" and giving him a lecture on how the stork does all that, insisting that he gets the babies from "heaven", and that "they're all in a line", acting increasingly exasperated with him for non knowing all this.
- Used as a joke in an uncut episode of Friends. It is in an episode (8-xv) where Monica does not want to watch a birthing video with Rachel, because Monica already freaked out over the footage. When Rachel remarks that Monica also wants to have kids, Monica answers: "I do. But... the stork is gonna bring mine..."
- Played With in a episode of Full House. When Michelle posed the question of where babies come from, Joey casually replies "Cleveland." Fortunately, Michelle had no follow-upwardly questions.
- In the Glee episode "Sexy", Brittany thinks she's pregnant because a stork built its nest on tiptop of her garage.
- Discussed in House. When Firm posits that the patient might have two diseases, his team counters that one is simpler. To illustrate the betoken that one is not e'er simpler than two, Business firm asks "what if I showed you a baby and told you that information technology's the product of either two parents or one stork?"
- A first-flavour Mad TV sketch involved a couple going to a fertility clinic only non understanding what sexual activity was. Turns out they "prayed to the magical stork." They were quite disgusted to learn the truth.
- Ane The Whitest Kids U' Know sketch is near the other side of this — apparently, the storks go the babies from a literal babe mill in the clouds (consummate with what appears to be a moving associates line, although the sketch only shows the final finish, at the guy who takes the babies from the line as they come in, hands information technology to the waiting stork, and tells the bird where to wing).
- In In one case Upon a Mattress, the King gives The Talk to the Prince entirely in mime, but despite his all-time efforts, his son doesn't quite get it, and and then, in the end he makes motions suggesting a stork. The Prince, even so, finally puts it all together and realizes that "information technology isn't the stork at all."
- A reference to this is made in the 1776 vocal "Just Mr. Adams", generally considering 'stork' rhymes with 'New York' and the New York delegate is the one singing:
Livingston: I've been presented with a new son past the noble stork/Then I am going domicile to celebrate and pop the cork/With all the Livingstons together back in old New York.
- In Spring Enkindling (which takes place in 19th century Germany) Frau Bergmann is still trying to utilise this story with fourteen-year-onetime Wendla note 16 in The Musical, who becomes frustrated and insists her mother finally explicate to her what really happens. She doesn't, and this ends very, VERY badly.
Video Games
- Alien Nations (known in some locales every bit Aliens & Amazons) is facetiously based on an interstellar version of this trope: in the start game, nosotros're shown that the reason three very different sentient species share the same planet is because the storks who were tasked with delivering them to their respective worlds stopped off at a bar while they were supposed to be on the task.
- The online game Baby Blimp is about helping storks deliver babies.
- Coryoon has a stork that delivers powerup orbs.
- Crusader Kings, a game about family unit lines and whole dynasties, uses these as a symbol to indicate that a character is, well, expecting.
- The opening narration of the Mushroom Wood in Last Fantasy Crystal Chronicles gives "sprouting from the Mushroom Forest" as the setting'due south fairy-tale story of how children come up into the world:
When I was a child, I once asked my mother, "Where did I come from?" She replied, "Why, we all sprouted in the Mushroom Forest, of course." Nightmares soon haunted my sleep. I dreamt I was lost amongst the toadstools. I awoke in tears, only felt the warmth of my mother'south encompass as she comforted me. It is something I nonetheless remember to this day.
- Infant was delivered this way in the start of Guardian'due south Cause until the stork was attacked and dropped it in a nearby village.
- In Ms. Pac-Homo, Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man have a baby delivered to them by the stork.
- Word of God says this is how Pokémon eggs are delivered to the Mean solar day Intendance Center. The Pokédex also implies that Celebi may be the stork.
- The prepare-upward for Super Mario Globe two: Yoshi's Island involves an attempted kidnapping of Baby Mario and Baby Luigi while they're being delivered by the stork. The stork is knocked out mid-flying by Kamek, kidnapping Baby Luigi, while the Yoshis find Babe Mario and vow to start a relay team to reunite the brothers. Yoshi's Isle DS also uses the stork office, except it adds a few things such as a stop sign called a 'Stork Stop' where the stork allows Yoshi to switch which baby he's carrying on his back, storks conveying the babies back home subsequently beingness rescued from Bowser's Castle and the stork itself in various cut scenes. Yoshi'south New Island has the stork accidentally bring Mario and Luigi to the wrong house, and then go literally beaten upwards by Kamek mid-flight.
- The online game Super Sized Family has a stork flying higher up the family'south house carrying a swaddled baby in the championship screen. The weird thing is, this baby never appears in the game.
- In Viva Piñata, later two Piñatas romance, their eggs is delivered to them... not by an actual stork, but past Storkos.
Web Blitheness
- Simon parodied this in YogLabs when they're trying to make a clone of him, which (due to the weird fashion the modernistic works) involves incubating an egg equally the final step:
Simon: When a mummy stork and a daddy stork love each other very much, they have sexual activity, and a baby pops out. I think that'due south how it works.
- In Batman and Sons, Batman tells his kids that babies come up from the cabbage patch. Only Tim really believes information technology, beingness the youngest; Alfred is frustrated that he insists on maintaining the lie, while Jason teasingly asks "Whose cabbage patch THIS time?".
- In The Bird Feeder #155
, "Baby Children," Darryl states that in the story he told his children, it was actually a heron.
- In Brawl in the Family a stork with a aptitude beak and singed feathers quits the commitment service afterwards having to deliver the Koopalings to Bowser. Yes, all seven at once.
Alt Text: Oh expect, looks like y'all forgot i more kid. Have fun!
- This is where babies really come from in Cucumber Quest co-ordinate to Give-and-take of God.
- Parodied in Cyanide & Happiness here
(where the delivery stork intends to feed the baby to its own young), and here
(where two storks are horrified to discover themselves parents to a homo babe). Later parodied in a short
almost a hunter deliberately hunting them down who has accrued a multi-ethnic family of children. In another brusque
the factory where babies are fabricated has bug with pelicans pretending to be storks to steal and swallow the babies. The Stinger also shows an crocodile wearing a fake pecker trying to sneak abroad after it sees a pelican getting caught.
- The Perry Bible Fellowship:
- A stork commitment service representative is on the telephone, taking complaints from a adult female who hadn't received her baby. While he defends the reliability of his delivery storks, a glance at the line backside him shows a vulture in uniform amongst the storks.
- Some other comic features a stork delivering a litter of kittens to a pair of cats — who all continue to devour the poor bird.
- Saturday Morn Breakfast Cereal
- In Sinfest, the stork delivers the new year's day.
Spider web Original
Western Animation
- In Baby Follies, Storks are the main air travel in Baby Metropolis. They deliver babies to Globe when it'southward their fourth dimension to exist "born" in a sense.
- Subverted in a Bill Plympton short. A boy is told by his female parent that he came from the stork. At which betoken, he imagines the stork coming to his house...and having sex with his mom.
- In Bonkers, Toon babies come from the stork, though Miranda'south disbelief strongly implies this isn't true for existent babies.
- Animated Cabbage Patch Kids adaptations gave them a stork caretaker named Colonel Casey.
- Dilbert - Discussed. I episode has Dilbert listing this trope amid the lies his mother told him when he was a child.
Dilmom: He knows near the stork?
Dogbert: My mistake. I let him watch the nature aqueduct, he put two and 2 together. - In the Dr. Zitbag'due south Transylvania Pet Shop episode "Pinball Sorcerer", Zombunny ends up taking the place of a baby yeti being delivered to his parents past a stork.
- In one episode of Ed, Edd n Eddy, when Sarah and Jimmy ask the curious question, innocent, naive Ed shows he strongly believes in this trope, to the point where he flies like a stork and drops Eddy down a chimney.
- In The Fairly OddParents movie Abra-Catastrophe!, Timmy accuses his parents of always lying to him. In social club to test this, they put on some home movies to run into how long it takes for them to catch themselves fibbing. The get-go thing that comes up is them shouting "The stork!" at a younger Timmy.
Timmy's Dad: Wow, that was quick!
- Family Guy:
- Parodied in one episode. The woman is waiting in bed when a large stork arrives with his footling bundle. When he opens it, however, it is but a red light seedling that he puts in her lamp. She asks, confused, "where's my baby?", to which he replies, in the mellow phonation of Michael Clarke Duncan, "Sweetie, you and me are gonna make the babe." So he turns on porn music and struts over to the bed...
- Subverted in another episode, where Stewie is taken away from the Griffins because Child Services mistakenly thinks they're bad parents. When Chris sees people getting babies from a man behind a window, he asks if this is where babies come from. Brian deadpans that, yes, it is, prompting Chris to point an accusatory finger at Lois and shout "You told me I came out of your vagina!"
- In the I.Due north.K. Invisible Network of Kids episode "Lovestruck Stinkbomb" the teacher Ms. Macbeth tries to teach the kids nearly love. Unfortunately, it seems nobody ever taught her about it because she tells them babies come from the stork. And so the kids tell her that's non right and that they come from cabbages.
- In the Disney cartoon, Lambert the Sheepish King of beasts, the titular panthera leo was supposed to go to Africa on a stork delivery (the same stork that appeared in Dumbo), but is taken in past a ewe later on none of the lambs delivered to flock cull her to be their mother.
- A Harvey Comics cartoon feature showed a stork delivering a mother and a father in a package to a baby.
- "Picayune Johnny Jet", a infant plane is delivered past a stork-similar helicopter.
- Looney Tunes has featured storks delivering babies in dozens of cartoons:
- The 1933 short Shuffle Off To Buffalo uses a stork delivery mill as the setting. Ethnic stereotypes grow, including a Jewish baby who's stamped "Kosher for Passover" (!!).
- One famous sort-of-series during the 1950s involved a drunken stork, who would either be invited to drink with the new parents, or leave for his chore directly from a roaring party at the Stork Society
. Since the stork would frequently be and so smashed on the task, he'd deliver a baby (and at least once, a full-grown Bugs Bunny) to the wrong parents, with hilarious consequences. Sometimes at least he had enough sense to realise he made a error and finds the real baby.
- Earlier, Bob Clampett parodied the concept with typical manic gusto in "Babe Bottleneck".
- It is worth to mention that on this cartoon a point was made about where do they get the babies: they're made in a factory.
- The storks there are overworked and unable to make deliveries, in which other animals pitch in to deliver the babies, and end up sending them to the incorrect animal.
- The Disney curt "Mickey's Nightmare" involved an Imagine Spot by Mickey Mouse most getting married to Minnie Mouse. He'southward out watering the garden, and a Delivery Stork drops a baby downward the chimney. And so more than arrive and do the same. He rushes in with Pluto to discover Minnie lying in their bed, surrounded past a large number of infant mice, much to Mickey'southward dismay.
- The Mighty Mouse brusk "Raiding of the Raiders" plays with this. A stork shows up to deliver a sack to a bunny couple, but at the same time an owl doctor shows up to assistance in extracting the baby bunnies from the sack, which is played like a birthing scene.
- In Moral Orel, Dirt has a book called "Imitation Facts of Life for Ages five-15" that gives him varying responses of this trope'southward nature to give to a child, depending on the historic period of the child. The ones seen: babies are bowls of smiles that fell over in a garden, martians shot goo goo rays into mommy's tummy, fairies made them out of bubbles, they're made from peel that flaked off God's foot, babies are born when a stork gets pregnant, mommy swallowed a watermelon seed, and finally, God's chef injects mommies with his delicious glaze from his holy pastry bag. That final one has unforeseen consequences equally Orel'southward told this story, thinks he's God's chef, and gain to impregnate the neighborhood women and then he could masturbate and yet become to heaven.
- In i episode of Muppet Babies (1984), Fozzie has an Imagine Spot of storks in an airport-like functioning. When he and Rolf accidentally mix up the destination cards, many babies finish upwards going to the wrong places.
- A 1961 Paramount Mod Madcap had a lisping, kvetching stork ("I always become extra work!") having to deliver two babies—a human and a chimpanzee—to their respective families, just he accidentally switches them around. Hilarity ensues among the man father and the chimp baby.
- Occurs humourously in Rocko's Modern Life. Rocko is driving Heffer and Filburt to Mrs. Hutchinson's nascency in the hospital. While on the highway, they see the delivery stork's van (because all characters, including the stork, are Funny Animals) heading towards the hospital and race confronting the stork to reach the hospital first.
- The early on drafts of Rudolph the Cerise-Nosed Reindeer included a delivery stork, but after the sponsors requested a Celebrity Phonation Actor (Bulge Ives) characterize to increase appeal, the stork was cut to make room.
- Rugrats:
- When Angelica asks the big question, her parents kickoff start to tell her the truth (babies start out as tiny eggs), and then chicken out and give the "stork" response. She relays this data to the babies, who are terrified that the eggs their dads are using to cook are "stork eggs" that they demand to protect. The episode ends with Susie coming over and whispering to Angelica where babies really come up from, but she doesn't seem to believe it.
- The season ane episode "Special Commitment" has the Stu receiving a babe doll in the mail service. The babies mistake it for a real baby. Phil and Lil become into an argument on whether babies come for the stork or the shop. Noticeably Chuckie states that his mom said that babies come from the hospital, when future episodes show his biological mother died when he was very young.
- Apparently Ned Flemish region of The Simpsons fame has never told his sons well-nigh the Birds and the Bees, as when he and his children stumble upon the evolution display in the museum the kids inquire if Maude was an ape, causing him to get flustered. He hurriedly went on well-nigh God and a stork, resulting in the duo kneeling down and praying to the stuffed stork in the corner. Ned is not tickled. Another episode revealed Maude and Ned Flemish region made sure the doctor delivering their sons was really chosen Dr. Stork, then technically they wouldn't be lying to their kids.
- As explained in the opening sequence of Skunk Fu!, Skunk kickoff arrived at the valley when a stork accidentally dropped him equally a baby and he landed in Panda'south arms who was praying to God to help defeat Dragon.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Parodied in "Karen's Baby" where a robot stork arrives at Chum Bucket to evangelize Karen'southward baby (a calculator).
- Nina Paley fabricated a short, The Stork, using the theory to criticize global population trends.
- The 1958 Noveltoon short Stork Raving Mad has a stork trying to delivery a baby on rush delivery, but the baby he's carrying tries to stop him because it doesn't want to practice what babies practise, like take baths and eat castor oil.
- The Wartime Cartoon "The Stork's Holiday" has a commitment stork complaining near a harrowing experience trying to evangelize babies during the war, and contemplating retirement until he gets a pep talk from his reflection.
- Tex Avery MGM Cartoons:
- The drawing Farm of Tomorrow has the narrator denote "we crossed a stork with a long-horn elk, to accommodate you lot impatient newlyweds who are in a hurry for a big family unit." The stork in question flies across the screen with a baby dangling from its bill. The stork also has a large rack of antlers, with a baby hanging from each point. See information technology hither
, at 5:thirty.
- The drawing Farm of Tomorrow has the narrator denote "we crossed a stork with a long-horn elk, to accommodate you lot impatient newlyweds who are in a hurry for a big family unit." The stork in question flies across the screen with a baby dangling from its bill. The stork also has a large rack of antlers, with a baby hanging from each point. See information technology hither
- The Disney Junior series T.O.T.Southward.(short for Tiny Ones Transport Service) is about a company of storks delivering animal babies (even birds) to their parents. Specifically, it'south almost the kickoff non-stork delivery team to take this task, a penguin and a flamingo.
Storks Bring Babies While Swallows Prevent Them Mem
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